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Why institutional well-being of CSOs is key determiner of their success

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Naghma Mulla’s article makes a strong case for treating civil society organizations (CSOs) like the rock stars they are, by making sure they have a solid road crew. It turns out that these organizations, which are crucial for filling public service gaps and influencing policy, can’t just rely on applause. They need a backstage crew too—think staff well-being, independent operations, and crisis management. The pandemic highlighted a major funding faux pas: while donors are quick to fund flashy programs, they often overlook the essential backstage costs like administration and staff development. Mulla argues that for CSOs to truly shine, they need balanced funding that supports not just their headline acts but also their support systems. The GROW Fund is a prime example of philanthropy getting it right by backing the entire band, not just the solos, so CSOs can keep rocking and rolling with greater impact and sustainability.  Click here to read more